Kiara receives a WhatsApp invite from Aditya Khanna, who claims to be an investment banker in New York. He sweeps her off her feet and promises to return to India and marry her. Just before his arrival, he sends everything he owns – gold biscuits, gilt-edge securities, bundles of dollars, as a duty-paid consignment to India. On the day of delivery, due to an unexpected shortfall in custom duty, Kiara has to make up for it with a large part of her inheritance. However, there is no parcel for her to collect when she arrives at the airport. To make matters worse, Aditya Khanna is nowhere to be found. Six months go by, and one day, cops come knocking on Kiara’s door for the murder of the man who conned her. With Conman, yet another edge-of-your-seat novel, Surender Mohan Pathak brings crime reporter Sunil back into our lives.
Authors : Surendra Mohan PathakOriginal Publisher : Westland PublishersPublisher: Westland Publishers Eka