The novel portrays the socio-economic conditions of rural India during British rule. It primarily focuses on the life of Hori Mahato, a poor, hard-working farmer who struggles to fulfill his dream of owning a cow, which symbolizes prosperity and respect in his community
Hori Mahato is a peasant who lives with his wife Dhaniya, son Gobar, and two daughters. Despite his hard work and dedication, Hori is burdened by debt and poverty. He longs to own a cow, as it is a status symbol and a source of economic stability. Hori finally manages to buy a cow, but his joy is short-lived when his brother Heera poisons the cow out of jealousy. This incident sets off a chain of events that lead to further financial ruin and social disgrace for Hori.
Title in Original : GodaanName in Translation : Munshi Premchand's Godaan : masterpiece of Hindi literaturePublication Year : 1936Translation Publish Year : 2015
Authors : PremchandOriginal Publisher : Multiple publishersPublisher: Cedar Books
Authors : PremchandOriginal Publisher : Multiple publishersPublisher: Cedar Books