The protagonist of this novel, during his marriage, becomes captivated by the beauty of his sister-in-law and falls in love with her. However, this love remains unfulfilled. The sister-in-law, who also loved her brother-in-law, is married off to another man. Both lovers continue to suffer from the intense pain of this unrequited love. Gradually, the anguish of love weakens the sister-in-law's body and mind, and she falls victim to tuberculosis. The protagonist's wife is not unaware of this secret and becomes increasingly distressed by the outcome of the love between her husband and her younger sister. Eventually, she too leaves this world. The man, burdened by the dual sorrow of being separated from both his wife and beloved, carries this grief throughout his life. The novel Sundaropasak is based on this tragic tale, in which the author has delicately and poignantly described various stages of union and separation where appropriate
Authors : Brijnandan Sahay "Brijvallabh"Original Publisher : Ma. Ku. Ba?bu? Ra?maran?avijayasim?haPublisher: National Book Trust