Tension mounts as upper-caste landowners in the remote Uttar Pradesh village find their traditional 'lathi-or-chapatti' hold over the lower castes threatened by the arrival of Master Bhooray Lal, a school teacher-turned-rebel, who, along with a gang of zealous, though ragtag, recruits, seek to fuel a revolt 'of the masses.' To keep the villagers in check the landowners resort to various punitive measures, actively aided by the local police. Bhooray Lal, infuriated, tells the villagers to fight or succumb.
Title in Original : DandavidhanName in Translation : The HuntedPublication Year : 1986Translation Publish Year : 1992
Authors : Mudra RakshasaOriginal Publisher : Radhakrishan PrakashanPublisher: Penguin Books
Authors : Mudra RakshasaOriginal Publisher : Radhakrishan PrakashanPublisher: Penguin Books