टोपी शुक्ला
The novel primarily revolves around the lives of two friends, Iffan and Topi Shukla, who come from different religious backgrounds—Muslim and Hindu, respectively. Through their friendship, Raza explores the themes of communal harmony, identity, and the subtle yet pervasive nature of religious and societal tensions. Topi Shukla, the protagonist, is portrayed as a carefree and somewhat eccentric character, while Iffan is more serious and introspective. Their friendship, though deep, is constantly challenged by the societal pressures and expectations that come with their religious identities. The novel depicts the struggles of these two characters as they navigate their way through a society that is increasingly being polarized by communal sentiments. A powerful commentary on the socio-political realities of post-independence India told through the lens of friendship.
Authors : Rahi Masoom RazaOriginal Publisher : Rajkamal PrakashanPublisher: Oxford University Press